Interactive Exhibits During a Pandemic

With the world constantly changing, and during these unprecedented times due to the COVID-19 epidemic the entire world has had to change and evolve to be safe, cleaner, and more socially distant. X Studios has taken this time to completely re-engineer our interactive exhibits, and offerings, to provide a seamless experience for your customers, and to ensure their a touchfree interactive experience.

A Touch-Free World

We went back to the drawing board with many of our interactive offerings. Any interactive where a guest was required to touch a device, has been throughly redesigned using some of the latest technology offerings. From skeletal tracking, which allows ‘computer-vision’ to pick up guests movements, to iris tracking which can identify the human eye, it’s movement and selections. We believe we have found a solve to keep your customers and guests safe during the pandemic (and beyond).

Cleaning & Sanitation

X Studios has partnered with multiple medical professionals on the best processes, and procedures to clean Virtual Reality Headsets. From specialized wipes, to dry times, take the guess work out of your interactive exhibit with our non-obtrusive cleaning practices.

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David Morales